
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

As a Christ following church, we believe that investing and raising up the next generation is of most importance. We are dedicated to training the young minds of the children we impact in Godliness, teaching them the fundamentals of the Faith. We have multiple ways to reach the children in our church and local community. We have a kids way program 3 Sundays out of every month. This is where the kids, ages 5-12 years old, leave the sermon to go learn on their level, as well as doing arts and crafts. We also offer nursery care during the sermon for toddlers. The last program that we have is for the kids in our local community, and it is called Sidewalk Sunday School. This is were we load up a trailer with sound equipment, games, and candy to go to near by neighborhoods. While there, we share the Gospel to these kids and give them the love of Christ.

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